Convert web HEX code to RGB color
Simple to use color converter tools, just enter hex code of color, click on convert button and get RGB Red, Green and Blue values for this color.
How to use Hex to RGB converter:
Enter hexadecimal color code of six-digit for the long version format (e.g. "#2471a3") or three-digit for the short version format (e.g. "#2EF") and click on the 'Convert' button to get the same web color in RGB format.Hexadecimal-code Web colors
Hex colors are Hexadecimal display for the triplet RGB colors in Web HTML, CSS and SVG.Hex format starts with a number the sign "#" to specify the use Hexadecimal color code.
Following series of three pairs of two digits each that result in six digit sequence such as #FF1188. Alternative display possible by three single digits that result in sequence such as #2CA.
With six digit presentation each two digit translate into one of the triplet RGB colors in range between 00 to FF which is 0-255 in Decimal base (256 values in total).
With three-byte Hexadecimal presentation each digit interapated to value range between 0 to F which is 0-15 in Decimal (16 values in total) multiply by 16.
How to convert Hex to RGB
To convert from Hexadecimal number format to RGB number format we need to convert the number from a Hex base which is a count base of 16 to a Decimal base which is a count base of 10.
The Decimal counting system is using 10 digint from 0 to 9
The Hexadecimal counting system is using the same 10 digits from 0 to 9,
And for the value over 9 it uses the letters A to F to keep the value presented with only one digit.
(F1)₁₆ = (15 × 16¹) + (1 × 16⁰) = (241)₁₀
Hexadecimal digits to Decimal value
Hex | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Dec | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Hexadecimal number is the sum of the digits multiplied (×) by 16 power by the digit possition (D³). If the same number (1825) was in Hexadecimal base it's values will be: (1825)₁₆ = (1 × 16³) + (8 × 16²) + (2 × 16¹) + (5 × 16⁰) = (6181)₁₀
Let's take the hex color format #13D5FE and convert it to RGB step by step:For the Red We will convert the two left digits '13' from hex base to decimal format and convert them as follow:
(13)₁₆ = (1 × 16¹) + (3 × 16⁰) = (16)₁₀ + (3)₁₀ =(19)₁₀
For the Green We will convert the two middle digits 'D5' from hex base to decimal format and convert them as follow:
* D in hex base is 13 in Dec base
(13)₁₆ = (13 × 16¹) + (5 × 16⁰) = (208)₁₀ + (5)₁₀ =(213)₁₀
For the Blue We will convert the two right digits 'FE' from hex base to decimal format and convert them as follow:
* F in hex base is 15 in Dec base, And E in hex base is 14 in Dec base
(13)₁₆ = (15 × 16¹) + (14 × 16⁰) = (240)₁₀ + (14)₁₀ =(254)₁₀
When converting #13D5FE to Red,Green,Blue format we got 19,213,254.
Convert RGB to Hex color format