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Minecraft Color Codes

Minecraft colors, Chat Code for color, MOTD Code for Minecraft server, Decimal color number, Hexadecimal corlor format and RGB color format

Minecraft Name

Minecraft Name is the string Minecraft is using to identify the color.

Chat Code

Chat Code is a short sign to change your text color in the chat.


MOTD Code is the internal code for the "Message Of The Day" color in Minecraft.


Decimal is the internal decimal value for the color in Minecraft.


Hexadecimal is the internal hexadecimal value for the color in Minecraft.


RGB is Minecraft color converted to RGB format that is common around front-end programing language.

Minecraft Name: dark_red
Chat Code: §4
MOTD Code: \u00A74
Decimal: 11141120
Hexadecimal: #AA0000
RGB: 170,0,0
Minecraft Name: red
Chat Code: §c
MOTD Code: \u00A7c
Decimal: 16733525
Hexadecimal: #FF5555
RGB: 255,85,85
Minecraft Name: gold
Chat Code: §6
MOTD Code: \u00A76
Decimal: 16755200
Hexadecimal: #FFAA00
RGB: 255,170,0
Minecraft Name: yellow
Chat Code: §e
MOTD Code: \u00A7e
Decimal: 16777045
RGB: 255,255,85
Minecraft Name: dark_green
Chat Code: §2
MOTD Code: \u00A72
Decimal: 43520
Hexadecimal: #00AA00
RGB: 0,170,0
Minecraft Name: green
Chat Code: §a
MOTD Code: \u00A7a
Decimal: 5635925
Hexadecimal: #55FF55
RGB: 85,255,85
Minecraft Name: dark_aqua
Chat Code: §3
MOTD Code: \u00A73
Decimal: 43690
Hexadecimal: #00AAAA
RGB: 0,170,170
Minecraft Name: aqua
Chat Code: §b
MOTD Code: \u00A7b
Decimal: 5636095
Hexadecimal: #55FFFF
RGB: 85,255,255
Minecraft Name: dark_blue
Chat Code: §1
MOTD Code: \u00A71
Decimal: 170
Hexadecimal: #0000AA
RGB: 0,0,170
Minecraft Name: blue
Chat Code: §9
MOTD Code:
Decimal: 5592575
Hexadecimal: #5555FF
RGB: 85,85,255
Minecraft Name: dark_purple
Chat Code: §5
MOTD Code: \u00A75
Decimal: 11141290
Hexadecimal: #AA00AA
RGB: 170,0,170
Minecraft Name: light_purple
Chat Code: §d
MOTD Code: \u00A7d
Decimal: 16733695
Hexadecimal: #FF55FF
RGB: 255,85,255
Minecraft Name: white
Chat Code: §f
MOTD Code:
Decimal: 16777215
Hexadecimal: #FFFFFF
RGB: 255,255,255
Minecraft Name: gray
Chat Code: §7
MOTD Code: \u00A77
Decimal: 11184810
Hexadecimal: #AAAAAA
RGB: 170,170,170
Minecraft Name: dark_gray
Chat Code: §8
MOTD Code: \u00A78
Decimal: 5592405
Hexadecimal: #555555
RGB: 85,85,85
Minecraft Name: black
Chat Code: §0
MOTD Code: \u00A70
Decimal: 0
Hexadecimal: #000000
RGB: 0,0,0

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