Square picker is based on four colors, three are the basic RGB colors which are the red, green and blue and the fourth one is yellow.
Each color concentrate in one of the four corner of the square and Spreads and dissipates and blends in
with the color with which it meets.
The square picker best description is as if projecting four color light in parllele (90 degree angle to the screen)
a defferent light on each corner of the screen: red, bulue, green and yelow that result in creating same colors tones
as the typical color wheel desplay, but the visual looks completly deferent to the standart eye.
It provides all color scales provided by wheel picker, but helps focus on the difference between each color.
Ring picker has the same arrangement of the three RGB colors red, green, and blue colors
in a circle with 120 degrees between each using yellow to subtract each in offset of 60 degrees.
This layout result in red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange with smooth transition between each relative colors.
How to use
On desktop, roll over the square color scheme and check RGB and Hex colors-code.
On Mobile, tap on the color you like and you will get the color hex code and RGB numbers.
You can switch between color pickers by clicking on it.
Hope you enjoy our website :)
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