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Color Tools For Designers - Index of tools

Unique color charts, color palette generator, easy-to-use color picker, color converters, and useful tools for designers and website builders.

X11 color Names String convention of X11 color names for front technologies

Visual dictionary of HTML x11 color names convention from RGB/Hex color codes for css, angula, react, vue and any front-end technologies. Visual dictionary of string value for RGB/Hex color codes, make your coding mach more readable to others. HTML hex 11 color names Looking for color name in React? Prefer to use color name in Angular instead of codes? Here you can find a visual dictionary of string values ​​for RGB Hex color codes. This hex 11 color code dictionary will make your encoder more readable by others. String convention of HTML X11 color names to use in any front-end technologies If you are looking for a color name in React or prefer to use a color name in Angular instead of using its RGB code or Hex code to make the code more readable for yourself or your team, You can use the following visual dictionary of convention between the name string value For RGB / Hex color codes.

X11 - HTML color names

X11 color names is a unstandardized string value dictionary for RGB/Hex colors for windows systems located in '/lib/X11/rgb.txt.
Since color names translation to code is not standard in all system each system might display a different color for the same name.

React color names convention for HTML X11 color

In React Native you can also use color name strings as values.
Note: React Native only supports lowercase color names. Uppercase color names are not supported.
Color ints: React Native supports also colors as an int values (in RGB color mode):0xff00ff00 (0xrrggbbaa)

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